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Company News


Installation of sludge removal equipment and supply of booth chemicals

proaqua have been a supplier of coagulation chemistry to Plastic Omnium Edison Road since 2012. This facility manufactures and paints the internal sections for JLR tailgates and due to increasing demand for this product PO are significantly increasing the capacity of the painting process.

The existing paint removal plant was deemed unable to deal with the proposed increased volume, so as part of the modifications it has been decided that a new, larger sludge removal flotation unit should be installed. Due to a positive experience in other UK facilities, proaqua were chosen as the preferred supplier. The previous unit gave problems with sedimentation and unreliable level control, so PO were keen that the new unit should be designed in a way to minimise these issues. Manufactured and tested in Germany before installation, the new proaqua SF7 flotation unit is carefully designed and has several fail-safe features which eliminate previous problems. The unit is controlled by an integrated Siemens LOGO PLC which also provides signals for the refurbished chemical dosing system.

proaqua worked in partnership with PO and the main contractor Sidasa in order to install and commission the unit during a three day window over the Christmas S/D. This was a tight timetable with constraints in available floor area but the new unit was successfully integrated and ready for the start of production.

The success of this project demonstrates the benefits of working with a supplier who understands both the chemistry and engineering around the treatment and removal of overspray. We believe that proaqua are unique in the industry in this regard.

Dale Felton (Edison Road Paint Shop Manager) said:
“proaqua have supported us through each step of this process and we are very happy with the performance of the new plant. The equipment is thoughtfully designed and robustly constructed a step up from where we were before.”

Edison Road is part of the long term, three plant contract proaqua have with Plastic Omnium. We have installed sludge removal equipment and supply booth chemicals to all PO paint shop facilities in the UK.